Everyone emerges in this mortal universe to fade out except for a few legend personalities who live their lives in such a model way that endless love and respect springs out in every human being's heart who meets them even once in his entire life. One name among such legendary personalities is Mr. Jawad Mehmood, FCA.
Sir Jawad Mehmood is one of the most famous and ideal professors of accounting subjects in Lahore. He has done his Chartered Accountancy (CA) from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) and is currently working as a lecturer in SKANS School of Accountancy, Sher Shah Campus Lahore. His fame is based on his unique teaching style as well as his affectionate dealings with the students. Furthermore, he is also well-known for his simple lifestyle despite earning seven digits salary a month.
He has become a Chartered Accountancy brand of this era. His popularity and teaching demand is increasing day by day. Even though his affiliation with The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan has come to an end because of some unknown discrepancies between the two, every CA student desires to study accountancy subjects from this legend. Whatever college he joins, it becomes the top rated RAET of that area. He didn't use to teach female students till 2020. But when COVID-19 transformed the education system from physical learning to electronic education, girls were allowed to get enrolled in his online classes only. He used to do so because of being a pure follower of the last doctrine by the Creator, Allah. And that doctrine, Islam doesn't allow a male to teach a stranger female.
His above mentioned adherence with the Islamic principles gets reflected from his schooling too. If we dig into his teaching style, we come to know that he is not just a teacher. He is a mentor who has transformed the academic education into an improved version of schooling. He teaches his students, motivates them and urges them to work not only for this temporary and mortal world, but also for the subsequent immortal world that will never come to an end. He often tries to brief his students that this world is to fulfil just the necessities, not the luxury wishes. He attempts to make it clear that following luxury wishes is an unending process, we can never be happy if we try to pursue these distracting desires. His YouTube channel Zara Sochiye by Jawad Mehmood is one of his efforts to spread the true revolutionary lessons to young students to change their lives according to Islam.
Thus we can say he is a true legend and one of those few people who know how to say 'no' to his desires. Wearing simple shalwar Kameez, covering his head with an Islamic cap, and travelling in an old green Suzuki Mehran despite earning such a handsome amount per month illustrate his priorities. And when we tried to dig into the matter and asked his assistant as to why he doesn't drive a branded car when Allah has provided him the means to do so; his assistant smiled and replied by tapping at my shoulder,
"He will purchase the branded one if he retains his earnings. But how would he do so if he keeps in his pocket mere the amount that can fulfil his basic needs only, and the whole remaining amount goes towards charity."
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Car of Sir Jawad despite his seven digits income |